Thursday, May 14, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

May 1st weekend, we went to Las Vegas with Matt & Theresa and Pam & Jerry. The main reason was because Kelsey "Ebayed" Supercross Championship tickets and "won". Here are some pictures from our fun trip:

My favorite part of the trip was hanging out by the pool. After the pool, Pam and Jerry took Mia and the four of us walked around the strip. We shopped a little and then ate on the top patio of Diablo's. Kelsey and Matt left for Supercross early and Theresa and I met up with Pam and Jerry at Cheesecake Factory for an early dinner. We got to the races right before the main event at 7. It was a lot cooler in person than on TV and we made friends with everyone around us. Oh yeah- we made it on TV! Kelsey DVRed it and I am sure it is still saved. I realized that I can no longer hang with the all-nighters. Both nights I stayed in with my baby and I was happy doing so! Overall, the trip was quick but a ton of fun. Just how Vegas should be. Mia had a blast I am sure!

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